15th anniversary party
Saturday, April 1, 2017 6:30pm at Roberts’ Home, Boulder
Join us in celebrating FIFTEEN YEARS OF ARTIVISM! We will have appetizers, drinks and live Artivist performances including dance, music, spoken word and a special appearance by the Reconnect dancers.
reconnect community class
Sunday, April 30, 2017 1-3pm at Colorado Conservatory of Dance, Broomfield
Every BODY can dance . . . come experience the magic of Reconnect firsthand and enjoy a special community class alongside the Reconnect dancers. All ages and ability levels welcome – save the date! Tickets for this event will be available in mid-April.
reconnect broomfield
Mondays in May 2017 12-1:15pm at Colorado Conservatory of Dance
We are bringing Reconnect with your Body to Broomfield in May – enjoy a lunchtime dance class in a beautiful dance studio down the hall from Artivist headquarters. Reconnect is beneficial for all bodies and all are welcome to come experience the class firsthand. COME DANCE WITH US! Save the date – registration information coming soon.
dancing on the edge is the only place to be.
– Trisha Brown