Jan and Tom Leversee
Karen Talcott
Chuck and Lois Crotser
Annabelle Denmark Photography
Dressel-Martin Mediaworks
Katie Edmiston
Flutterby powered by Remax/Momentum
Leann and Chuck Roberts
King Soopers
Amy and Scott Dressel-Martin
Alice and Wayne Gilbert
Michele Dressel
Carol Jenkins
Meghan Camp
Chloe DiVita

Jean and Ron Meyer
Dorothy Black
Albert Bandura
Karen V Eustis
Josh and Charlene Lucero
Kelly McNish
Sarah Talcott
Linda Coons
Mary Horngren
Marcia Black
Katie Scolari Borden
Carol Cowley
Colleen Daiber
Yvonne DiVita
Linda Evans
Blayne Gaines
Karen and Ken Gerdes
Hunter Douglas
Carol Howe
Jean and Rick Leif
Carol and Mike Moe
Nora Reznickova
Emily Harrington
Jen Morrison
Joan Passarelli
Danelle Purvis
Diane and Bruce Smith
Vic Schmeiser
Larry Kay
Nancy Bielak
Edward and Nancy Konvalinka
Margie Dahlin
Brenda Abdilla
Kim Barbato
Sarah Berkman
Karen Bess
Lindsey Bonner
Jeanette Bronee
Karen Chickering
Charles Downs
Ron Dreasher
Elizabeth Dressel
Susan McDonald Geissler
Ann Glumac
Dwight Grosvenor
Deanna Harrington
Jennifer Hightower
Stephen Kelly
Lowell Lilley
Bryn Nowell
Josie Patrick
DeDe Pomeroy
Michelle Reetz
Paige Roper
Camryn Schultz
Sandra Sherman
Adam Singer
Robert Story
Rebecca Chavarria
Megan Brooks
Kathleen Clem
Cynthia Burdine
Melissa Joy Olson
Cass Clayton
Emily France
Cliff Haggerty
Meredith Rhodes
Tina Anderson
Angela Bacca
Andrea Bauman
Aimee Beltran
Jeffrey Berry
Pam Brendel
Maureen Brummer
Beth Cole
Dean Garyet
Richard J Italiano
Daniel Leif
Christina Nichols
Lynne Rose
Jun Akiyama
Stephanie Brooks
Sara Chapman
Timothy Cowley
Bette Hauserman
Jan Hopkins
Wendy Phillips
Tina and Fred Schoenherr
Claren Walker
Clare Wilde
Julie Geller
Cynthia Farkas
Catherine Hupp
Jill Leversee
Leia Schultz
Mary Snyders
Tara Knowlton
Virginia O'Connor
John Schultz
Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD)
Colorado Creative Industries
Broomfield Community Foundation
Community ACTS Fund
Join the Artivist Movement

“Amy Dressel-Martin, Reconnect dancerMy unrelenting dance partner, PD, has interrupted my rhythm and grace. So I seek the freedom of the dance without PD leading, without PD following. I actually feel graceful here. I can move here. I can dance in circles, not squares. I can move with curves and arcs, not heaves and listings. I sometimes wobble, quiver or tremble. But here no one notices, I’m sure of it. My words: Flowing. Smooth. Gliding. Graceful. Confident. Unguarded.