meet the Artivists: Wayne, Emma & Karen
Liturgy for Turbulent Times brings together an unlikely collective of creative voices with a variety of impetuses for being a part of this show. Here are a few of the voices that created this one of a kind performance:
“the body wants a sacred space
the spirit wants a sacred time
the mind wants to stop chattering
the soul wants ritual song
the psyche wants relief from suffering
the person longs for ceremony
which restores wholeness
renews commitment
inspires resilience
strengthens the heart and its deepest affections
an authentic “liturgy” transforms our desires our longing
into purposeful compassionate energy
for returning to the turbulent world”
“After dancing for the majority of my life, I am excited to have found a community that benefits from an art form that is so familiar yet endlessly engaging. There is something about somatic intelligence that informs me in ways that nothing else can, and to be able to relate to others in this unspoken dialogue feels almost surreal. Sharing in the vulnerability of existence is important to me and my hope for this show is to keep the connection between people alive and pulsing with awareness, consideration, and respect for human life. I’m an Artivist because our time here is short and not once have I regretted a dance. – EMMA SCHER
“I’m involved in this show because I’m tough and resilient. I’m patient and empathic. The creative fire within me cannot be silenced. I’m an Artivist because I believe the creative spirit rises on the wings of empathy. Through shared empathy, we find healing, transformation, and peace.” – KAREN HORAN