Stuff we've Done
Our Community Engagement program brings the power of dance to over 1,500 people annually through classes, performances, conference presentations and support group demonstrations.
Dance Community Events
In an effort to establish physically integrative dance as a valid and vital part of any diverse and thriving dance community, AaA participates in a variety of dance events every year, including “Open Space” at Dairy Arts Center presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater and the “Dance for Every Body” showcase at Boulder Public Library. These performances give members of the dance community the opportunity to rediscover the delight of dancing free from expectation of achievement and perfection.
MDC Parkinson's Symposium
The University of Colorado Movement Disorders Center hosts an annual Parkinson’s Symposium where the Reconnect dancers lead an interactive dance break with attendees.
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"Open Space" presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater at Dairy Arts Center - May 2019
"From Disorder to Dancer" Presentation
Movement Disorders Clinic CU Hospital, Anschutz
Wayne Gilbert and Sarah Leversee presented to the Movement Disorders Clinic staff - we shared stories, images, video and poetry showing how powerful creativity can be in dealing with illness and adversity. We received wonderful feedback from the neurologists and physical therapists that attended.

Parkinson Association of the Rockies e3 Conference
We are standing in front of over 300 people in a hotel ballroom. We are presenting about the benefits of creativity and dance for Parkinson’s disease. Wayne has just performed his “p.d. dancer” poem. We invite the room to join us in moving their bodies, standing or in their chairs. The music plays. We dance together.
Colorado Creative Industries Summit
Just before Wayne was awarded the Governor's Creative Leadership Award, we presented "From Disorder to Dancer" to attendees of the Colorado Creative Industries Annual Summit in Greeley, CO.
Colorado Conservatory of Dance, Broomfield
The Reconnect dancers brought down the house with this memorable performance. The piece was called "Revival" and it was a barn-raiser to Nathaniel Rateliff's "S.O.B." We were invited to perform alongside CCD's adult dancers in their annual showcase.
Colorado Conservatory of Dance
For the third year in a row, the Reconnect dancers performed in CCD's annual adult performance to "Leave a Light On" by Overcoats. We love sharing Reconnect with the Colorado Conservatory of Dance community each year.
World Parkinson Congress/Dance for PD Training
Portland, OR
Members of Reconnect attended the World Parkinson Congress, including the Renewal Room session led by Dance for PD® founding teacher David Leventhal. Sarah helped demonstrate exercises with 5 other chosen teachers from around the globe. While in Portland, Sarah also completed the advanced Dance for PD teacher training.
Parkinson's Symposium
Life Care Center of Longmont
We performed at the Longmont Parkinson's Symposium and connected with members of the Parkinson's community from the North Metro area.